The SELF model and research
The SELF model is grounded in evidence-based practice, supporting reflection in four stages:
Start with something positive
Explain key points of the experience
Learn from the experience
Frame the experience in terms of what is valued, e.g., in relation to a set of professional standards.
The research team
The Reflecta project is led by a team of colleagues from Psychology, Education and Computing at Buckinghamshire New University.
BNU has a strong connection to positive psychology and we have a number of dedicated postgraduate courses related to this area of study.
Rochon, R., Jackson, J. and Knight, J. (2023) ‘Mobile technology for professional development and wellbeing: The Reflecta project’, Proceedings of 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 6-8 March. pp.8074-8078.
Rochon, R., Knight, J., Smith, M., Avery, C. and Allen, N. (2023) Evaluating SELF: a new model of reflection for learning and promoting wellbeing. Advance HE's Mental Wellbeing in HE Conference 2023: Putting theory into practice - Creating a whole university approach to student and staff wellbeing. Manchester, 16 May 2023.
Rochon, R. and Smith, M., (2023) Think about yourSELF: Reflection as a tool for both learning and wellbeing. Teaching and Learning Conference 2023: Teaching in the spotlight: Shaping the future of teaching in HE 4-6 July 2023 Keele University.